Yesterday was the first day of coding of the program, I hope this summer to be a great learning period!
We are now working in a first package of measures that allow us to do a preanalysis of the data and detect non-linear components. We are into measures like Autocorrelation, Entropies (lagged), frequency filtering and many more.
Some problems with memory handling just arose, computing the voxel-wise correlation. We will discuss further how to solve this problem, but we found some solutions [1] [2] to start doing some research about this.
I have added a new partial correlation function developed by Fabian Pedregosa (the author of Scikit-learn), quite more demanding computationally than the simple correlation.
I have improved the readability of the code and removed totally the calls to nitime by using numpy.corrcoef to calculate the correlation over series. Also, I have cleaned the code and the user can choose between doing voxel-wise analysis or ROI-timeseries analysis with two new functions (probably I should name them differently, since CPACs already has functions named like that).
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I have in mind the problem of how to save the data structure (“timeseries * timepoints” or “timepoints * timeseries”). I should ask this in the IRC, an agreement is necessary for building the functions that are going to use this data.
I will finish this week with the Autocorrelation and Partial-Correlation implementation and testing. Coding these along with Transfer Entropy seem a good first week objective while putting into perspective of coding the points raised during discussion, such as:
Type and properties of correlations and entropies to calculate (and how these describe the dimensionality of the data and complex patterns).
Relation with frequency decomposition and pattern formation, we should extend discussion to Wavelets/Hurst spectrum.
Identify useful elements for the fingerprint method (frequency bands).
To do:
First objective: work on models of correlation, entropies and discretisation, as well as their statistical properties (Also as recurrence, etc.)
Discuss further the papers from points Cameron made. ECC seems to be a good measure to incorporate to the package.